วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2560



1.What is the mean of the internet?
Ans Large computer networks that link computer networks around the world. To communicate And sharing information. People in every language can communicate with each other. No need to travel. The world is like a home where everyone in the house can talk 24 hours a day, save time, money, but the benefits to the world today.

2.What does the site mean?
Ans Set up a network of connected information all over the world by searching for information. 

3.Internet connection at home connect through device?

4. .mil is a domain that indicates which type of organization?

5. .th is a domain that indicates which country?

6.If you want to chat with friends on the Internet. What service will you use?

7.What is the use of internet to send electronic mail?

8.What is RSS used to do?
Ans Automatically publish updated information on a regular basis.

9. Malware is a program that was created to?
Ans Destroy or disturb the computer system.

10.Safety Tips for Networking
Ans 1. Set a difficult code to guess, avoid using nicknames. Date of Birth Telephone Number.  
2.Change the password regularly.
3. Install and maintain regular anti-malware programs.

นางสาวสุชาดา สุริยันต์ เลขที่ 15 ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 5/4

